Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki
Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki


Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Halloween Special
Theme: Horror
Genre: Point and Click
Download(s): Gamejolt
Engine: Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Developers: Photo Negative Mickey, Ramen, IvanG, TheNextGenius


Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Halloween Special is a FNaF Fangame made by the user PhotoNegativeMickey, launched in October of 2018 as a Halloween themed game of Five Nights with Mac Tonight. however, it's not technically a remaster of FNwMT 1's Halloween Update, as the game is it's own thing like Five Nights with Mac Tonight 3.

*This game is NOT Mac Tonight 4.*


  • Mac 'O Lantern
  • HamKrueger
  • Shadow Ronald
  • Grimace
  • Grudgie
  • Speedee
  • Myers McCheese


It's October of 2018. And there is only a few days left until Halloween. Everyone preparing costumes, putting up decorations and getting that candy ready. While the McDonald's company has decided to take a rather strange turn in this years celebration. This Halloween, McDonald's is opening a "McFright" attraction, bringing back nostalgic mascots in a scary and terrifying way for this night of spooks. And the McFright needs a worker to maintain security and to handle the attractions around the building. What's in store for you?

Trivia and Changes[]

  • Completely different setting
  • The characters got an upgraded look *Thanks to PNM*
  • Ronald's been added as a shadow
  • Pennywise isn't in the game.
  • Terror Mac doesn't exist.
  • Like FNwMT2 Remastered, Speedee is the new animatronic, not only for the custom night like 2R.
  • When you play custom night, the date in the cameras is XX/XX/XX (presumably 10/31/18)